AdjudicatingNovember 2015
I had a wonderful time adjudicating all the amazing young musicians performing Canadian music at the Contemporary Showcase Festival in Toronto this November. The Festival is such a well run event and I received some wonderful feedback that I’d like to share. It’s not often we get input like this. Thank you to Belinda Huang. Link to Contemporary Showcase Toronto.
AdjudicatingNovember 2014
I had the priveledge of adjudicating the Kingston Contemporary Showcase Music Festival this year at Queen’s University. Such a wonderful group of students and the standard of performance was impressive indeed. Thank you to the organizers, especially Kristin Rae, for your wonderful hospitality and for putting together such a well run music festival!
AdjudicatingApril 2011
I spent many hours reviewing and evaluating about 60 compositions from students of ORMTA teachers as I adjudicated the submissions for the Province. There was a wonderful variety of music, all of it well presented. It was very difficult to decide the winners! Congratulations to all the up-and-coming composers! It’s great to see our students are so engaged in such a rewarding activity.
AdjudicatingApril 2011
The first weekend in April was spent adjudicating for the Newmarket ORMTA Branch this year. A wonderful group of students and the standard was impressive!