Author Archives: Susan

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The Canadian Music Teacher reviewed Arctic Voices in its January 2013 issue.  Click CFMTA Arctic Voices  to read the review!

The ‘Lament for the Polar Bear’ from Arctic Voices receives a great review on LaDona’s Music Studio Blog.


“Susan’s music is more cutting edge than a lot of current pedagogical music. Hers explores a lot more raw emotion, translated into music via rhythm and harmony……This is another collection that is worth it for one piece”


Link here to read the whole article.

I am very excited and honored to have been accepted as an Associate Composer of the CMC (Canadian Music Centre) and look forward to learning more about the organization and the opportunities it offers in the years to come.

A busy fall included travel to Red Deer, Alberta and Florida to represent Red Leaf Pianoworks at the APTA (Alberta Piano Teacher’s Association) and Florida State Conferences. 

‘Antique Lace’ was performed at Summer Sizzle 2012 in the Gala Premier of new Canadian works. This piece is published in CNCM’S newest Northern Lights Level 8 book which is now available. You can hear a sound sample of this piece on the Compositions Piano collection page – in the Piano Poems book.

It has been a busy summer attending both the Summer Sizzle Convention in Mount Forest Ontario, and the ORMTA Convention in Burlington Ontario. Red Leaf composers Martha Hill Duncan, Joanne Bender, Teresa Richert and Beverly Porter came together to showcase and display the wonderful Red Leaf music!



Arctic Voices

It’s been a busy time! Another new collection is here. Arctic Voices will take you on a journey of the Arctic with wild and alluring soundscapes. The Piano Collections page has samples of the scores for you to look at.  

This book contains the “Arctic Voices” piano solo, winner of the 2011 CFMTA Call for Compositions.

Catch the Magic!

A new collection of magical pieces your students will love! Elementary to late Intermediate (grade 2 to 5).  You can look at the score and hear sound samples on the Piano Collections page.

Lavender Dreams’ and ‘Forgotten’ from the Piano Poems Collection have been reviewed by Luke Bartolomeo on his weekly Podcast where he reviews and performs Intermediate Piano Music.


With Red Leaf Composers Rebekah Maxner, Joanne Bender and Martha Hill Duncan at the MTNA Convention in New York City. An amazing week meeting so many new teachers! This was a great convention that we hope to do again.

Artists in Concert, The Music Gallery, Toronto

Selections from the Arctic Voices collection were performed by Pianist Allison Wiebe (Bio) at the Music Gallery in Toronto.

Saskatchewan RMT Online journal – OPUS – has just written a review of the Piano Poems  Collection.

“This collection of 9 piano pieces is sure to delight the introspective pianist”.

 You can click on  Opus Review to read the entire review.

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